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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Went to the Bristol Buddhist Centre last night. they had organic cotton t-shirts for sale, I thought "but are they fair trade". That made me smile. This is the first time I have meditated in a group. I had all the usual nervousness of doing something for the first time, however these sensations are all quite familiar now, they are welcome precursors to pleasant experiences.

I've journeyed from a life where I wanted permaneance and stability to a life where I relish the unknown. I accept there is fear associated with anything new and have learned to move past it.

Monday, July 11, 2005
I have just read a harrowing account of a rescuer's experience of the London bombings. The description of what seemed to be a pile of clothes turning out to be a woman with all her limbs blown off will stay with me. I have also been listening to Paulo Coelho's the Alchemist, a book about following one's heart.

Anger can burn deep and never end, how does one tell the difference between what the heart has to say and what anger has to say ?

My brothers and most of my family work in London. I never want to wonder where they are after a bomblast. The few minutes delay it tool to contact them on 07/07 was enough to upset me.

The individuals who planned this attack have miscalculated. A city that took the nightly slaughter of the Blitz is not going to be cowed by their bombs.

When I first moved to Manchester it had just been bombed by the IRA, it makes the resistance against terrorists stronger not weaker. Again a lesson lost on the bombers; fanatics poisoned by their own words.

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